Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Vanishing Month

Well - somehow I have let an entire month elapse without updating this blog - SHAME! But we did indeed finish our journey to Chapel Hill. After Yellowstone we headed across Wyoming to Cheyenne. Very pretty country.

The entire next day was spent driving across Nebraska. I never imagined the sheer volume of corn fields - amazing - just miles and miles and miles of corn fields. Guess that's where all our high fructose corn syrup comes from.

Then we stayed a night in Lincoln, Nebraska and I must say that really seemed like a hip town! I'm sure winters are fierce but we really enjoyed the downtown area.

Then we headed to Dave's folks home in Millstadt, Illinois. We got to see a large percentage of the Clemens clan there: Jim and Jo Ann; Karen, Isaiah and Peter were up from Mississippi; Mary and Bill (and Doodle) and even Bill's mother from Modoc; Diane and Jan and MaryJane (Grandma Siebe); Dan and Julie, Jordan and Nicky.

Spade (the giant black dog) made quite an impression on Linden - she now refers to almost any large dog as 'Spade'. She and Isaiah had a grand time playing on the wagons (you can see in the photos).

We took the 64 down to Nashville - and then across Tennessee to Knoxville. Dave would not let us stop in Dollywood but we spent a bit of time in the Great Smokey Mountains. My grandparents took us to the Smokey Mountains when we were kids - and I distinctly remember meeting 'Chief Fish'. I believe he was still there.

We stayed in Asheville, NC and the next day headed for Chapel Hill. We picked up the keys to our new house and arrived very thankful that the electricity was on. Fortunately the AC is electric as it was over 100 degrees everyday for over two weeks.

I'll put up the next post soon about our arrival and orientation to Chapel Hill.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Rachael. Glad to see you made it in one piece. We miss you! Susan T.